For Orthodontists Who Want A Lower Stress, Higher Profit Practice...

How We Turn Clinical Images Into Dramatically Higher Case Acceptance And Same Day Starts...

Using A Predictable And Consistent Method For Capturing Exceptional Clinical Images and More Naturally Presenting Treatment Options Through The Digital Co-Diagnosis™ Case Presentation...
Dear Fellow Orthodontist,

How would you like to see your treatment coordinator hit 85% case acceptance on cases that are ready to start?

What if there was ONE simple tweak to the treatment conversation that instantly puts patients at ease, so they feel in control…

And helps them identify every one of their problems BEFORE you even mention them.

For patients struggling to "see what you see," the Digital Co-Diagnosis™ Case Presentation is the missing link.  Here's why..


Get Access To Exceptional Clinical Photography Made Easy For Just $395!
Delivered instantly. Start watching in the next 2 minutes.  60-Day Access Period. 

Get 5 CE Credits.

What is the Digital Co-Diagnosis™ Case Presentation?

The Digital Co-Diagnosis™ Case Presentation is a simple, natural, and powerful way for you or your treatment coordinator to:
  • Capture exceptional clinical images
  • Leverage these images to:
  • Increase patient buy in
  • ​Ensure patients have a crystal-clear understanding of their current condition...
  • ​Inspire patients to remain committed to treatment...
And it’s not complicated at all.  

In fact, Digital Co-Diagnosis™ is a natural, conversational method that takes less time

… is light years more effective at getting patients to fully buy-in to the treatment plan…

… and this course can train ANYONE in your office to capture exceptional images, and on the verbal skills so they can leverage them for increased case acceptance.

Digital Co-Diagnosis™ Is Simply A Better Way To Present Treatment Options Through Exceptional Clinical Images.

Great Clinical Images Will Always Be A Critical Part Of Every Practice...

But Pictures Full Of Reflections, Glare, And Shadows Just Won’t Cut It!

We all know taking great images is an essential clinical part of a practice.

But many clinicians think if they start demanding exceptional images, their staff members will revolt, or the office would become less productive.

Oddly enough, this is the exact OPPOSITE of what most of my students have found once discovering the simple tricks for executing the Digital Co-Diagnosis™ Case Presentation.

On a day-to-day basis in my Orthodontic practice in Lewisville, Texas, Exceptional Clinical Images that leverage the Digital Co-Diagnosis™ Case Presentation have revolutionized our new patient experience.

In Less Than A Year, My Brand New Treatment Coordinator Went From Having ZERO Dental Experience To Being In The Top 5% Of Treatment Coordinators Nationwide Regarding Their Case Acceptance Rate...

Here's How She Takes Her Own Clinical Images, And Achieved an 85% Monthly Conversion Rate Using the Digital Co-Diagnosis™ Case Presentation

In today's tough work environment - practices are going through assistants at a record pace.

So rather than training every new assistant, wouldn't it be great to have clinical photography as part of their onboarding, or as a yearly refresher, so they are up and trained in less time?

With no experience in dentistry, this is the exact method I personally used to train my new Treatment Coordinator, Rachel…

Just 6 months into the job, she rocketed to the top 5% of Treatment Coordinators nationwide regarding their case acceptance rate.

     With them getting up to speed this fast...

Your team can completely take over photography duties, without doing any training yourself.

In every office where they have committed to getting flawless images and executing the Digital Co-Diagnosis™ Case Presentation…
  • Production skyrockets and staff burnout decreases...
  • Case acceptance and patient engagement increase dramatically…
  • Their schedules are filled up with more exciting and challenging cases…
  • ​Creating a more enjoyable, fulfilling workplace.
I know that it all sounds too good to be true…

But once you experience the ease of a treatment presentation using Digital Co-Diagnosis™ — you’ll wonder how you’ve ran a practice without it.

For me, the moment it really clicked was when I first combined Exceptional Clinical Images with the Digital Co-Diagnosis™ Case Presentation.

This combination produced such an “aha” moment for one of my restorative patients… 

... they practically SOLD THEMSELVES on a $40,000 treatment plan!

Without having to:
  • Think about it
  • Talk it over at home…
  • ​Get a second opinion (which is code for “I don’t totally trust you.”)
  • ​Give any other excuse to escape your office without a commitment.
… The best part for me is how I didn’t have to convince them of anything…


They knew it was the right thing for their smile and dental health and wanted it.

This first time was an eye-opening experience…

...Then it became the norm.

We’ve officially left the old way behind for this wildly effective method for running treatment presentations…

I think you'll find the same is true with your patients as well.

Not only because Orthodontics is easier to present than restorative care...

And not only does the treatment process go more smoothly…


Voted "Top Clinician in Continuing Education" 11 times by Dentistry Today Magazine
Way back before I became an orthodontist… when I was a restorative dentist, I discovered a repeatable, easy-to-use way to present care WITHOUT SELLING!

The first time I used it, I was floored at how patients “walked themselves through” their own treatment plan.  

I didn't have to convince them of anything. They simply understood their needs and wanted me to treat them.

After seeing exceptional clinical images and confirming they understood their condition through a treatment presentation…


The patient actually asked me: 

"Do you accept credit cards?"

And a simple, relaxed conversation turned into a $40,000 restorative case… in the patient’s best interest… without selling them on anything!

… which was an eye-opening experience…

I think you'll find the same is true with your patients as well.

Glenn Krieger, DDS, MS, FAGD
Voted “Top Clinician in Continuing Education” 11 Times by Dentistry Today Magazine

“... the key to success.”
“Hello Glenn, I loved your course and I can now take great photos. I have had my SLR forever but could never master it until your course. I am starting to implement the program to show other patients how beautiful their smile could be and that is key to success. Thanks for providing the course!"

Dr. Thomas Harter
Ocala, FL


Delivered instantly. 60-Day Access Period.  Start watching in the next 2 minutes.  Get 5 CE Credits.
“... this course provides you with the framework to teach your team.”
“I would highly recommend the Exceptional Clinical Photography course! 

I've been in practice 23 years and like many orthodontists the photography duties are turned over to my team. While my team takes good to nearly great photos we can always be better and I believe this course provides you with the framework to teach your team. 

Most importantly, Dr. Krieger drove home the importance of practice. We have to be willing to invest the time to get better. I'm looking forward to practicing again."

Robert Sheffield DDS
Diplomate, ABO
Antioch, CA 
“I can grab any of our photos and drop them in a presentation for the big screen.”
“My team and I took it last year and I finally feel that I can grab any of our photos and drop them in a presentation for the big screen. There are no shortcuts, and no magical cameras to do it for you. You really need to understand the fundamentals. Glenn does it in a clear way that allows you to apply what you’ve learned to any SLR camera. Our photos have never looked better. Thanks Glenn!"

Dr. Jared Gianquinto
Bakersfield, CA

Patients describe the Digital Co-Diagnosis™ Case
Presentation (a.k.a. Digital Co-Diagnosis™) as if they’re 
seeing their actual dental condition for the first time.

  • They can’t get over how they’ve never seen their bite like that before...
  • Or they didn't know just how much crowding they have…
  • And how it's just "so obvious" what needs to happen next…
Ultimately, Digital Co-Diagnosis™ removes confusion and skepticism about your advice and shifts discussions from “does my insurance cover it?” to “do you take credit cards?”

Imagine if every patient walked out of your office thinking, “Wow, they really know me and want what's best for my bite and long-term health."

Imagine how much stronger those bonds will be going forward... 

And imagine all the referrals they'll send when their friends ask them who they should go to for orthodontics?

When patients can see the REAL problem, they become willing and eager team members — supporting your top treatment advice.

     I firmly believe...

If You’re Not Combining Exceptional Clinical Images with Digital Co-Diagnosis™, 
There’s A Gaping Hole In Your Treatment Presentation, Efficiency, Patient Engagement, And Revenue...

Everyone tells you that you need a higher-end camera, more lighting, or an expensive rig if you want clinical images…

But what no one tells you is precisely:
     1. How to capture exceptional images (not good or great… EXCEPTIONAL!)
And then...
     2. How to effectively leverage these images to guide treatment conversations with your patient as a “co-pilot.”
For instance…
  • It’s not about the hours it takes to learn how to do this stuff…

    It only takes seconds for you or your staff member to get a perfect photo that “sells” Orthodontics for you. You’ll see how to do this with almost ANY camera, plus my go-to preference for the best outcomes.

    Because if your pictures aren’t focusing on the right story, or your patient gets the sense that you want the case more than they do… they don’t get the smile they deserve, and your practice suffers.

    Combining incredible image with a time-tested case approach that’s responsible for more stress-free, profitable practices than I can count… and it’s so simple you’ll kick yourself for not doing this earlier. 

  • It doesn't matter how good your treatment plan is...

    If the only clinical pictures you show are full of shadows, “mirror edges,” or are out of focus or angles, oddly, you’ve just created more obstacles.  

    You'll see how to get beautiful, bright, completely visible images the first time, every time...

    ... and how to parlay them into enjoyable consultations that lead to significantly more engaged patients who respect and follow your advice.

  • ​It's not enough to actually help your patients...

    Without understanding the WHY behind the visuals, patients struggle to "see" what you do, which leaves them confused and unable to commit to a solution.

    It's like a mechanic who points at the entire engine and says: “See that? You’ve got a leak and your engine needs work!” -- Sure, it’s clear to them, but they may as well be speaking another language to most of us.

    So it's no wonder patients can’t understand what the fix is… and why it’s WORTH EVERY PENNY!
That’s why I firmly believe that without knowing these simple secrets...

… and without understanding what makes for a great image… 

… and without having the verbal skills to get substantially higher buy-in… 

… you’re doing your patients and business an injustice. 

But those are the exact things that you’re getting with this course.

It’s what almost every “how to take great ortho images” article out there is missing.

It sets you apart from all the other offices — no matter if you’re smack dab in the middle of nowhere or in a place where there's a new ortho office popping up on every corner...

It's what helped me stand out when taking my first steps when I opened a new office.

Like everyone else, no one knew who I was…

But because of exceptional clinical images and how Digital Co-Diagnosis™ brings patients INTO the treatment plan, many of my issues melted away.

The Digital Co-Diagnosis™ Case Presentation Lets You Finally Own A Practice That Reflects The High Quality Of Care You Provide…

And I Get That Not Everyone’s A Photography Junkie Like Me…

However, I Also Know That Anyone In Your Office Can Produce Incredible Ortho Images That Boost Case Acceptance -- Even With Some Pretty Hefty Price Tags

Look. When I'm not in the office, I'm messing around with cameras and new tech toys. 

I feel like a big kid.

And I understand that probably 99% of Orthodontists and their team members who take this course are NOT expert photographers and have no plans on becoming one either.

But no matter what, images are an integral part of your practice.  

They increase case acceptance and make you more money...

...And now you can do it with the best pictures possible.

I guarantee that ANYONE who takes this course and applies the minor tweaks will become a better, more confident clinical photographer after taking it — No matter the experience...

Now, only a few offices I’m aware of are having their Treatment coordinator take new patient images.  

Most have their assistants take the images, which takes them away from other duties, and it becomes a HUGE bottleneck that slows down the entire office.

But imagine having your new Treatment coordinator take this course, and almost instantly, they’re capturing exceptional images.

It frees up time for your assistants…

Your patients will love seeing their cases in photos and understanding them fully, without any bickering or pushback on treatment plans...

For us clinicians, we see thousands of smiles, but for our patients, they only get one.

So we want to do our best to make that an exceptional and memorable experience.

What a relief it is having your TC take over this essential duty.

Taking images the way I show you in Exceptional Clinical Photography...
  • Eliminates a ton of frustration with explaining the diagnosis...
  • Stops push-back on your fee...they didn't know just how much crowding they have…
  • Comforts patients so they better understand why they’re going through treatment…
  • ​Lessens anxiety about future visits, making orthodontic treatment more manageable...
  • ​And the methods are easy to learn, so your assistant, treatment coordinator, or anyone else you want can quickly start taking photos that support the profit, workflow, and overall peace within the office...

… You’ll see how combining exceptional images with Digital Co-Diagnosis™ gets patients on the same page, so they walk themselves through a treatment plan that’s in their best interest.

So whether your practice is big or small, Digital Co-Diagnosis™ + Exceptional Clinical Images create an effortless back-and-forth dialogue…
… which transforms people who come through your door into active patients at a much higher rate...

(... with significant increases in case acceptance in many cases!)

Inside This Course, I’m Revealing The Simple Secrets Behind Turning Clinical Imagery Into A Profit Center…

Starting With The #1 Most Important (But Also Most Difficult) Image For Transforming Practices Faster Than Anything I’ve Seen In My 29 Years Of Clinical Experience…

There is an endless number of images you can take of a patient’s smile.

But there’s only ONE that helps the patient SEE their dental condition better than any I’ve used in my 29 years of clinical experience.

It’s a “twist” on the traditional Lateral Arch Image that just blows them away.
Since this shot displays the entire occlusion, you get a good, clear view of both arches.

Notice how the lighting is carefully sculpted to make all that detail come alive…

… How the entire side of the mouth and their occlusion is clearly visible…
… And how there are no shadows, glaring reflections, or dark spots?

Well, the secret is NOT in the camera; it’s all in how I’ve used mirrors and retractors.

I GUARANTEE I can teach anyone to take incredible photos like this one.

Inside this course, I give a detailed lesson on taking the “Ideal” Lateral Arch Image in a distinctive way…

But what’s even more exciting is how this “simple” image… when combined with subtle questions and verbal techniques — helps motivate and inspire your patient to REQUEST treatment…

… This is what makes the Digital Co-Diagnosis™ Case Presentation a unique and superior method for conducting treatment conversations.

Mark my words, I believe Digital Co-Diagnosis™ could make “SELLING” orthodontic care a thing of the past.

Instead, it transforms the treatment discussion into an intuitive, collaborative, and natural dialogue for both you and the patient.

Isn’t that something every practice should strive for?

Here's Everything You're Going To Discover...

First off…this is dramatically different from anything you’ve ever studied because it brings out photography techniques and verbal skills that are conveniently left out of dental school but is a core part of making your practice stand out...

Here’s just a fraction of what’s inside and what it might mean for your practice:
  • Secrets for taking high-definition, jaw-dropping photos that instantly help your practice stand out.
  • Details necessary for easy and perfect mirror and retractor shots (and how these details can make all the difference.
  • An essential accessory for your clinical photography setup (this one little thing will make all the difference for your team)
  • ​Lighting tricks that hide shadows and make hard-to-see wear facets and chips stand out...
  • The unique “Digital Co-Diagnosis” method for boosting case acceptance with less resistance...
  • ​I walk you through a real-time capture of a complete set of images so you can see how simple, quick, and painless it can be to get incredible photos...
  • And much, much more (including 5 CE credits!)

You won’t find any fluff or filler material…

It’s packed with everything you need to start taking jaw-dropping photos that are instantly going to stand out.

But for you to truly take memorable photos, you have to understand how to use a few camera-setting tricks that speed up the process and remove a ton of technical frustrations.

So whether you're using a DSLR or point-and-shoot, or a smartphone, I talk about them all...

This course gets right to the fundamentals, showing you not only how to get these images on nearly any camera but also WHY they work…

… So you can increase the case acceptance and profit for your practice without adding any more work.

Sign up for The Exceptional Clinical Photography Course Now And Get 5 PACE-Approved CE Credits!

You're about to start taking images that help your patients understand their treatment options in one glance.

Patients will intuitively understand their treatment plan right away, which means they'll be more likely to follow through with your suggestions.

You’ll take images that are so clear and detailed, even the most skeptical patient will understand what is going on in their mouth.

Digital Co-Diagnosis™ creates a no-pressure environment that eliminates excuses and drives intelligent decisions.

The best part? It only takes a few minutes to learn how to do it!

Using simple techniques, you’re also getting all of my best tips and tricks for lighting, angles, retractor, and mirror placement...

Capturing beautiful clinical images and using them to tell a story about each patient's smile sets you apart from other practices, which may even be using hand signals and pencil and paper to explain treatment options...

So what are you waiting for?
“Dr. Krieger’s clinical photography course is a must for every office.”
“I have always taken an interest and active role in training team members and pushing them for excellence with records, as I feel like good records are essential in putting our best foot forward in communication with referring offices and with my ability to market our results.

But Dr. Krieger’s course has helped us get to the next level of quality in our ability to use cameras and mirrors as well as helped me train team members to get the best images possible.

Whether your team has no idea what great photography should look like and it’s time to stop taking sloppy images, or whether it’s time to go from good clinical photography to truly amazing images, Dr. Krieger’s course has everything you need. I highly recommend it!”

Evan Cox
Franklin, TN


Delivered instantly. 60-Day Access Period.  Start watching in the next 2 minutes.  Get 5 CE Credits.
“... this course provides you with the framework to teach your team.”
“I would highly recommend the Exceptional Clinical Photography course! 

I've been in practice 23 years and like many orthodontists the photography duties are turned over to my team. While my team takes good to nearly great photos we can always be better and I believe this course provides you with the framework to teach your team. 

Most importantly, Dr. Krieger drove home the importance of practice. We have to be willing to invest the time to get better. I'm looking forward to practicing again."

Robert Sheffield DDS
Diplomate, ABO
Antioch, CA 
“...a year in I have an average of an 85%+ Acceptance Rate many months!”
“I started working as a Treatment Coordinator or what I like to say "Patient Ambassador" a year ago, with no prior industry experience. 

Through learning the process from beginning to end, I learned that clinical photography was a key component to getting a patient to commit to starting treatment with your office. 

As the Treatment Coordinator, I love being the first person every new patient encounters because I am the first impression of what they get of the office and I always want to make sure it is that "Royalty Experience". 

When I started taking my own Clinical Photos on my New Patients my conversion rate went through the roof and now, a year in I have an average of an 85%+ Coverage Rate Each Month."

Rachel DePaolo, Treatment Coordinator Director
Krieger Orthodontics & Smile Design
“I can grab any of our photos and drop them in a presentation for the big screen.”
“My team and I took it last year and I finally feel that I can grab any of our photos and drop them in a presentation for the big screen. There are no shortcuts, and no magical cameras to do it for you. You really need to understand the fundamentals. Glenn does it in a clear way that allows you to apply what you’ve learned to any SLR camera. Our photos have never looked better. Thanks Glenn!"

Dr. Jared Gianquinto
Bakersfield, CA
“... the key to success.”
“Hello Glenn, I loved your course and I can now take great photos. I have had my SLR forever but could never master it until your course. I am starting to implement the program to show other patients how beautiful their smile could be and that is key to success. Thanks for providing the course!"

Dr. Thomas Harter
Ocala, FL


📧 Delivered instantly. 60-Day Access Period.
🖥  Start watching in the next 2 minutes.
✅Get 5 CE Credits.
“Dr. Krieger’s clinical photography course is a must for every office.”
“I have always taken an interest and active role in training team members and pushing them for excellence with records, as I feel like good records are essential in putting our best foot forward in communication with referring offices and with my ability to market our results.

But Dr. Krieger’s course has helped us get to the next level of quality in our ability to use cameras and mirrors as well as helped me train team members to get the best images possible.

Whether your team has no idea what great photography should look like and it’s time to stop taking sloppy images, or whether it’s time to go from good clinical photography to truly amazing images, Dr. Krieger’s course has everything you need. I highly recommend it!”

Evan Cox
Franklin, TN

Sign up today to get a deep dive into advanced clinical photography and EARN UP TO 8.5 CE CREDITS!

Please choose the option below which applies to you...


Enroll today and receive IMMEDIATE access to Exceptional Clinical Photography Part 1

In addition, receive 5 hours of CE upon completion!

Enroll in Exceptional Clinical Photography Made Easy Part 1 Today for $395



Enroll in our Clinical Photography Bundle and receive access to BOTH programs!

In addition, receive 8.5 hours of CE upon completion!


Save Nearly $300 When You Enroll!
Register Today for $495
List Price: $790

You’re Covered By An Industry-First…
TRIPLE Your Money-Back Guarantee

If you don’t absolutely fall in love with your new images… if you don’t experience a significant increase in case acceptance, more profits, less stress… or if you’re not satisfied for any reason at all… 

I’m giving you a TRIPLE* your money-back guarantee and you can KEEP all the materials you get today.

I want you to feel confident and secure in your enrollment, so this is a way to give you all the rewards possible while taking all the risks myself.

So I’ve arranged to apply 3X the price of this course to ANY other program offered by OrthoPreneurs, which I’m confident will deliver immeasurable value and benefits for your practice.

I’ve only handed out a few credits like this in the past. 

The more common experience is how Digital Co-Diagnosis™ fueled by exceptional clinical photos becomes the most effective, repeatable, and trainable method that transforms practices faster than anything I’ve seen in my 29 years of clinical experience.

So if you want to improve your photos and skyrocket case acceptance rates, you can get access right now to the entire course, with absolutely ZERO RISK.
Enroll Now
Register for and complete Exceptional Clinical Photography and enjoy the results as your photos and acceptance rates improve!
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